The aim of EBRT is to deliver maximum dose to the tumour and minimize the radiation dose to the surrounding tissues. At Medica Cancer Hospital, we use the latest and commonly used procedure, 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy (3D – CRT), CT slices are taken in the affected area and the tumour and the important organs surrounding the tumour are marked. The radiation treatment is planned using a powerful computer called Treatment Planning system. The radiation beams are placed by using Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) to shield the critical organs and surrounding normal tissue and to position the beam towards the tumour with sufficient margins. The 3D – CRT is state of the art precision Radiation Therapy Technique used to treat Cancer all over the world. Radical and Palliative Radiotherapy for various Cancers are given as per protocol guidelines.
Medica Cancer Hospital is the only cancer hospital in West Bengal (apart from Kolkata) which treats patients with Linear Accelerator facilities in a proper conformal manner, delivering by photons & electrons high dose to the tumor and avoiding normal tissues in order to achieve high cure rate with minimum toxicity.